Ha ha ha, you know how people get all excited to write, and then they do, and then they stop because of Reasons? No? Oh. Well. That’s what usually happens.

Spoiler warning: This is a focus on the anime adaptation of Usagi Drop, and definitely contains spoilers for both the manga and anime. I assume you’re familiar with the overall story and characters. If not, give the anime a try and find out why I think you can enjoy it...

I think if you’re of a certain age, that is, GTA3 came out when you were in like, 8th grade or so, you have an understanding of the GTA-likes. I don’t think I’ll get any disagreement for calling Watch Dogs a GTA-like, either. It’s an open-world, gun-totin’, crime-doin’, car-stealin’ mission...

Before we really get started, I’d like to point out the last two posts were almost exactly the same…so. Good job.