April Elizabeth
Sometimes writer, always hungry.
Routines and plans
Ha ha ha, you know how people get all excited to write, and then they do, and then they stop because of Reasons? No? Oh. Well. That’s what usually happens.
Usagi Drop: a thoughtful adaptation
Spoiler warning: This is a focus on the anime adaptation of Usagi Drop, and definitely contains spoilers for both the manga and anime. I assume you’re familiar with the overall story and characters. If not, give the anime a try and find out why I think you can enjoy it...
I think if you’re of a certain age, that is, GTA3 came out when you were in like, 8th grade or so, you have an understanding of the GTA-likes. I don’t think I’ll get any disagreement for calling Watch Dogs a GTA-like, either. It’s an open-world, gun-totin’, crime-doin’, car-stealin’ mission...
X1C6 updates; thoughts on System76
ゆのもきゅ by Yunomi & nicamoq
ThinkPad X1 Carbon 6th Gen Review
Before we really get started, I’d like to point out the last two posts were almost exactly the same…so. Good job.