April Elizabeth
Sometimes writer, always hungry.
I’ve taken up running, which is a surprise. But that might also be the point. Avid readers of this fine internet website will know, I’m a hiker, biker, backpacker, paddler (have we talked about that yet?) but my time outside is usually spent with at least one foot on the...
Shake Your Assumptions
A semi-recent snowshoe trip gave me a bit of perspective.
Long Scraggy Peak
Or, I Can See This Peak From My House.
A quantity of horror films
Some spooks for your eyeballs
Michigan Creek Fall Camping
Cold and wind eventually gave way to mid-autumn sun.
How I hire - Interviews
Part 2 of a 2-part post on what I’ve learned as a hiring manager. It’s worth spending time on your process.
How I hire - Planning
Part 1 of a 2-part post on what I’ve learned as a hiring manager. It’s difficult no matter which side of the table you’re on.